If your student attends one of the performing arts high schools it is important that they get in as much practice at home as possible. These schools are often gateways to great careers in the arts. This video shows how important dedication is to the arts and what can happen when children are given the right support.
Five students from a Texas high school were accepted into the exclusive Julliard School of Performing Arts in NYC, which is unheard of. Julliard has a stringent acceptance policy. Kids from around the globe apply every year to continue their education and only 7% of them are accepted. Julliard is harder to get into than most Ivy League schools.
The one trait that all of the five kids have in common is the hard work and dedication they put into their craft. Creating a performing space at home for your student can encourage the same dedication and hard work. Watch this video now to see how these amazing young people overcame the odds to realize their dream.