When you have a pool, it is very important to maintain it properly so that it lasts a long time. Plus, doing so will help you have a better pool experience. You need to keep it clean and perform regular maintenance. For example, be sure to clean the cartridge filter housings every once in a while. In this video, you will learn how to clean the cartridge filter so that both you and your pool will benefit.
The first thing you need to do before you can clean your pool’s cartridge filter is to first remove the filter itself. The video will break this process down for you. Turn everything off and then connect a blue hose to help drain the water from the cartridge. Once the water level has drained beyond the band, then you can use tools to open up the cartridge by loosening up the band. Inside, you will see all of the filters. The video will then give you some cleaning tips and tricks before showing how to put it all back together.