Sometimes, it can be hard to squeeze everything you want into your home. You have to sacrifice a laundry room for an office, an office for a second bedroom, and so on. Rather than completely let your dreams of having an in-home office drift by the wayside, you can bridge the gap between an office and a spare bedroom using furniture; by finding pieces that fit comfortably in both spaces, you can double up on use. When it comes to bedding, you can easily find a commercial sleeper loveseat or commercial sleep chair that fits in both your office and your guest room.
Finding The Right Style
Sleeper loveseats (also known as sofa beds) perform two functions depending on what you need them for; they can offer an additional place to sit in your home office or provide a place for guests to sleep if they want to spend the night. Because of this duality, you need to find a style that suits both the room’s aesthetic and practical needs. Size matters — if you’re expecting only to have your nieces and nephews over, you won’t need a massive couch or bed; if your guests will be mostly adults, a child-sized sleeping situation simply won’t do.
Mix And Match
Your commercial sleeper loveseat doesn’t need to be the only dual-performing piece of furniture in your spare room. If you have a patio or porch attached to your home, you can search for outdoor furniture that looks like indoor furniture and simply move them back and forth when needed; this is an ideal fix for homes that don’t have a lot of extra space and homeowners who don’t have a lot of extra cash.
Fortunately, you won’t need to worry about finding a furniture wholesaler during your commercial sleeper loveseat journey; the furniture store and home furnishings industry made $9.51 billion in June 2017, and that number continues to rise every year. With such a wealth of options at your disposal, you’ll be able to find exactly what you need for your home transformation.