Many of the jobs that are scheduled at homes and businesses across America require heavy equipment. Because this construction equipment can be expensive, it should not come as a surprise that many of these loaders and lifts are sometimes rented or even bought used. Because the newest equipment can be very expensive, many construction companies look for items like a mini excavator for sale or even search for trailers for sale that allow them to easily rent the equipment that they need.
Finding the right equipment for every job can help construction companies efficiently complete the various jobs that they have. And while it might sometimes be in the best interest to purchase some often used pieces of equipment, finding a place to rent the pieces of equipment that are not used as often makes good sense. For instance, a mini excavator for sale may be a smart purchase because it will be used frequently, other items like a hydraulic dump mixer might only be rented if it is only used once or twice a year.
Consider some of these sales numbers about the impact that the heavy equipment industry has on the American economy:
- $145.5 billion is the estimated worth of the global construction equipment market.
- There are around 7.8 million construction industry production workers in the U.S. alone.
- A loader is not the most efficient machine for digging as it cannot dig very deep below the level of its wheels, like a backhoe can. Loaders, however, are used for loading materials into trucks, clearing rubble, laying pipe, and digging. In fact, the capacity of a loader bucket can be anywhere from 0.5 to 36 m.
- The global construction equipment market was estimated to reach $145.5 billion by the year 2015.
- The top 50 companies generate about 90% of the construction machinery manufacturing industry.
- 7. 8 million production U.S. production workers make up the construction industry.
Whether you are a construction company that works on large or small contracts, the decision to buy or rent the heavy equipment can help you come in under budget.