When planning a home improvement project, you might consider getting the best landscape designer or an interior decorator. However, most homeowners forget about radon mitigation and choose a sketchy contractor to do the job. Sadly, this often ends in tragedy and expensive repairs.
A certified radon mitigation contractor can provide a quality job on your home improvement project while protecting you from these gases. Moreover, you can ask for radon insurance and protect your project from radon-related accidents. Most people don’t know much about radon, and you can see homeowners ask: “Can radon cause asthma?” to the radon mitigation contractor. Sadly, radon can cause concerning damage to your lungs and can compromise your health if you aren’t careful. You can get a radon tester rental service and try it on your property to see if you are safe from radon gases. Moreover, you can talk with your radon mitigation contractor about a radon contingency plan.
Don’t risk your safety while working on your home renovation project. Don’t hesitate to talk with your radon mitigation contractor and get the best service while keeping your home radon-free.
Crucial Things to Know About Sump Pump and Radon Mitigation
Radon mitigation is essential in keeping your families healthy and safe.
This silent killer is the reason behind around 20,000 cases of lung cancer every year. Itand#39;s undetectable to the human senses and requires a special tool and process to check its level.
While there are numerous ways to do radon testing on your own, contacting a radon mitigation company is always recommended. A sump pump, while helpful in flooded basements, can cause radon levels to get high. This is just one of the factors that a radon abatement service can find out for you.
All homes in the U.S. are subject to its exposure. Did you know that about one in 15 U.S. homes is estimated to have radon levels at or above the EPA action level? This makes it crucial that you become aware of how this radioactive gas works and how to mitigate it.
Before we get into detail about sump pump and radon mitigation, itand#39;s important to first understand these two.
What is Radon?
Radon is a naturally-occurring radioactive gas. Itand#39;s the result of decaying uranium in the earth and can be found in groundwater, igneous rocks, and soil. Your sump pump can remove dampness in your basement, but it can also cause radon gas levels to increase in your house.
Exposure to radon is not obvious. You and your family may be inhaling this without your knowledge. It doesnand#39;t show on the skin and doesnand#39;t hamper your breathing.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends taking action to reduce radon in homes that have a radon level at or above 4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L) of air.
There are a couple of ways you can lessen radon levels in your home, including:
- Using a ceiling fan that has a positive ion generator. Charging radon gas with positive ions can make it stick to walls and floors, preventing your family from inhaling it.
- Removing or keeping exhaust fans turned off. A running exhaust fan can change the pressure inside a room, creating a vacuum that sucks in radon gas.
- Setting up proper ventilation. Opening the windows on your basement or the ground-level rooms can help cause radon gas to dissipate outside.
What Are Sump Pumps?
Homes where flooding is common usually have a sump pump installed. Houses with foundations lower than sea level are prone to flooding. If youand#39;ve bought an old home, you may feel fortunate that it comes with a sump pump already.
A sump pump installation company that comes with radon mitigation is always crucial. They understand the hazards of basement flooding as well as the radon gas. While relieving dampness can help prevent mold, they also know how to seal these sump pumps so as not to allow radon gas to seep through.
How Can Sump Cover Help with Radon Mitigation?
While a sump cover may seem to be enough to block radon gas from seeping in, it usually is not enough for homes with high radon levels. Even these seals can stop new radon gases from entering, you still need a proper mitigation system to decrease the levels.
Suppose local radon testing found your home to have radon beyond safe levels. In that case, youand#39;ll need the expertise of radon mitigation and abatement services to help bring it down quickly.
For a house with a sump pump installation, radon mitigation contractors will perform sub-slab depressurization. The process requires the following equipment to perform successfully:
- PVC pipes
- Suction points
- Specializes fans
After setting them up, the fans will pull radon gas from the soil, direct it through the PVC pipe, and discharge the gas above the roofline. The radon gas will disperse in the air outside, preventing it from entering your home.
The sump pump cover also plays a part in this radon mitigation process. It seals the sump pit to make the suction point work.
Choose a Sump Pump Installation Company
If you have a home prone to flooding, sealing all basement cracks is crucial to prevent molds from developing. However, you also need to be aware of radon gas leaking out from a sump pump installation. Denver and other states have local services that can help you install it correctly – stopping both flooding and radon gas entry to your home.