This former pool builder shares insider tips for choosing the right pool builder for your project. Building an inground pool is not cheap. It can be a very expensive but worthy endeavor as long as you choose the right builder.
This video addresses some of the common mistakes that homeowners make when hiring a pool contractor and common mistakes they make when deciding which type of pool they should have installed. The expert in this video no longer builds pools which means he is not out to sell you on one pool over another. It also means that as an insider he knows the ins and outs of hiring the right pool contractor and what you should look for.
These tips will help you to make informed decisions about your pool installation and ensure that you get the best value for your money. Watch this video to learn more about the different types of pools from an insider’s perspective and how to choose the right pool contractor for your project. This is the first in a series of videos focused on helping consumers make the right pool project choices.