Most homeowners know what HVAC stands for (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning). Most also have a basic understanding of how the process works. This video breaks down the HVAC systems more in detail.
The important thing to know is that HVAC equipment moves air. In general, a system exists to move warm air elsewhere, either into the home or out of it.
A home’s air conditioner, heat pump, and furnace capture or create the heat, then the blower and ductwork help to facilitate the movement. A furnace generates heat either through electrical energy or through burning its fuel source. This fuel source is most typically gas but can be propane or oil as well. A heat pump works somewhat differently when heating. It absorbs heat from the outdoor unit and transfers it to the inside. It’s not generating heat so much as transferring it from one place to another. The heating element usually refers to a furnace or boiler. It includes a pipe system for the fluid carrying the heat or ductwork if you’re working with a forced-air system. The ventilation element is either natural or forced and when it is forced it is more often than not used for air cleaning purposes as well. As many of us know the third and final element of an HVAC system is air conditioning which is the exact opposite of heating. Its main focus is to remove the existing heat from the interior of the home.