The process of maintaining or servicing household appliances is appliance repair. Appliance repair may include repairing a refrigerator, air conditioner, dishwasher, washing machine, oven, stove, toaster oven, microwave oven, dryer, or vacuum cleaner. Appliance repair and installation can be daunting tasks. Not only do you have to worry about the cost, but also whether or not the appliance will be installed properly.
When any appliance repair is needed, it can be beneficial to hire a professional. Professionals offer amazing appliance repair services on any appliance in your house. It cannot be easy to figure out appliance troubleshooting. If you are looking for appliance repair and service near me, then you have come to the right place. Our appliance repair professionals can help with any appliance in your home, from refrigerators and freezers to ovens and dishwashers.
Appliance repair professionals can help you with any repair you may need, from fixing a broken door on your refrigerator to replacing the entire appliance. It can be frustrating when something goes wrong with one of your household appliances. Not only do you have to find a way to fix the appliance, but you may also need to find someone who can do the job for you.
It never fails.
On the busiest day during the busiest week, something always happens that makes things even worse.
Last Christmas, it was unexpected washing machine repairs. Two Thanksgivings ago, the furnace went out. The summer when you had the entire family staying with you for the week of the fourth of July, the basement toilet quit working.
This year, just as you are getting ready to host Thanksgiving again you noticed that the oven broiler coils are not always working. In an effort to be proactive, you have called on someone known for affordable and reliable oven repairs to come out now. This year, you are not going to wait until you have a house full of company and a complete broiler failure before you make your call.
Knowing Who to Call for Dishwasher Repairs, Washing Machine Repairs and Other Appliances Is Essential
For most of us, figuring out who to call for dryer repairs or refrigerator repairs is something that we do not consider until the last minute. The most well prepared homeowners, however, are well prepared for any household repair need. With a list of names and phone numbers for all of the appliance needs in your home, you do not have to be one of the scrambling homeowners who are looking for someone to call in the middle of the night when you discover the wet floor in the laundry room. Searching for someone to come out and make washing machine repairs in the middle of the night or on a weekend can be stressful. Being prepared will not eliminate the costs of repair parts and labor, but it will eliminate part of the stress.
The decision to have a working and ongoing relationship with a reputable and dependable home maintenance professional is the decision to eliminate some of the stress of owning a home. Even the newest homes can have problems, and the small repairs that are quickly addressed can often avoid a more expensive problem somewhere down the road.
It is a fact that home appliances do not hold out as long as the appliances that were made 30 years ago. In our consumer driven society, manufacturers seem to be about new appliance sales, not necessarily about the longevity of the products. Having immediate access to a local repair person who is known for quality work and honest answers can help you decide if you need to bite the bullet and make a new purchase, or if a repair will work.
Consider some of the statistics about today’s home appliance trends:
- Although research indicates that a washing machine should last 10 years before it needs to be replaced, 25% of front-loading washing machines break within three to four years.
- Although research indicates that a dishwashing machine should last nine years before it needs to be replaced, 20% of dishwashers break within three to four years.
- Although research indicates that a refrigerator should last 13 years before it needs to be replaced, 28% of refrigerators with top or bottom freezers that include icemakers break within three to four years.
- Research indicates that an electric or gas dryer should last 13 years before it needs to be replaced.
- Research indicates that a gas range oven should last 15 years before it needs to be replaced.
- During the year 2014, the average cost to repair an appliance was somewhere between $254 and $275.
Sounds expensive, doesn’t it? When you make the decision to purchase a home you would be wise to understand that this is a decision to be prepared for home maintenance needs. Budgeting for these possible needs is one way to avoid the unexpected stress of unexpected washing machine repairs the week before Christmas. The other way to avoid some of the stress of household appliances that fail or falter is to make it a priority to identify the necessary repair personnel you will need.
Some homeowners chose to have a service contract with a large home maintenance company, others decide to have a personal relationship with a local repair person. Being able to access budgeted money that you have set aside is a way to approach either of these maintenance plans.
It is almost the holidays, are your needed appliances ready?