As the weather warms up and summer threatens to rear its swarming hot head, it is essential to find spring DIY home projects that you and your family can do together. These projects are great fun because they allow you to work together and create many potential engagement zones as a group.
Organize and Label Recycling and Garbage Bins In Your Garage
Is your garage a mess at the end of every winter, and you don’t know where to begin? Often, it is a good idea to organize and label all of your garbage bins to ensure that they are easy to use. Before you take that step, though, you and your family need to make sure that you take out all of the trash and recyclables that are already in your garage and make sure that it is immaculate.
Start by getting out large and robust garbage bags and throwing away everything in your garage that you don’t need. Of all your spring DIY home projects, this option will be among the most work-intensive. You may have to take breaks at various types because it is often a strain to bend down and throw items away for hours at a time. In some situations, children may be better equipped for this task.
When all else fails, you can always contact waste management to help with your cleanup. Of course, this step does remove the ‘DIY’ label from your spring DIY home projects. However, you can do much of the work yourself and use them only as a pickup team. For example, you can hire a crew to come to your home and pick up the trash that you’ve picked up. Doing so cuts back on travel expenses.
Clean Up Your Property’s Landscaping
Good spring DIY home projects focus not just on the interior of your home but the exterior as well. For example, you need to perform simple tree care steps to make your yard more comfortable for everyone. The steps you take here will vary according to various circumstances, each of which is critical to consider when you get started on this type of cleanup and landscaping project.
Start this project by going around your yard with your family and looking for any problems that may occur. For example, you need to spot areas where your grass is weaker, pay attention to broken tree limbs, and spot any health issues with your bushes. Perform simple rehabilitative steps on these growths, such as trimming your bushes and trees to ensure that they are as strong as possible.
Beyond this step, it is also a good idea to give your children a leaf blower that they can handle and let them remove leaves, sticks, and other debris that may have fallen in your yard over the winter and early spring. Often, children have a lot of fun with this process, and you can pay them a small reward for each bag of debris they produce. Remember: many children often react best to monetary rewards.
Start a Garden In Your Backyard
Does your family have a surprisingly healthy love of good foods and a love of being outdoors? Then you may want to start a garden in your backyard. You don’t need a lot of space here to get a significant effect. Even an area as small as five feet by five feet can produce a decent amount of vegetables. At the very least, you can supplement your everyday food and cut back a little on your regular food costs.
For instance, your spring DIY home projects can focus on planting vegetables that your family loves to eat. And you can give your children simple tasks for the garden that engage them and make it more fun. For example, you can have them water some plants or even let them place items like tomato cages around the food to help it grow and make it more attractive as a dining option later in the growing season.
Once your garden has reached its full potential in the late summer, you and your children can prepare it for the next year by fertilizing the soil or deciding to rotate your crops. Remember that growing plants remove nutrients from the earth. And if you don’t take the time to move your crops or add more nutrients, you can wreck the soil and make it impossible to grow items there in the future.
Wash All of the Family Vehicles
During the winter, your vehicles are going to go through a lot of wear and tear. From taking your children to school and sports games to visiting family during winter vacation, you’re going to put smiles on your cars. Even worse, you’re likely to end up with a lot of dirt and wear and tear on your family’s rides that may end up causing damage to their exterior that may be hard to manage.
Thankfully, washing your car can great to add to your list of spring DIY home projects. Finding a spot where you can water down your car and scrub it is often enjoyable for everyone in the family. And you can give your children a few simple steps that make it fun and enjoyable. For example, they can be in charge of washing the wheels, giving them something simple to focus on that is also easy to track.
Lastly, make sure that you take care of some simple maintenance steps to make life easier for you and your family. For example, you can teach your children how to do an oil change by getting under the car and draining it together. Knowledge like this is excellent because it allows them to mature into responsible adults who can take care of various steps without needing excessive help.
Clean Out and Open the Pool
Pools are a great addition to a home but can be a lot of work to keep in great shape. For example, you’re going to have to drain the pool in the winter and cover its surface to prevent weathering damage. And you’ll then have to clean it out and prepare it for the summer by taking a handful of steps that you and your children should be able to handle without using your home owners insurance policy.
First of all, you’ll need to remove any debris that made it into the pool under your cover. This mess may include animal droppings and even nests! If you run into squirrels, raccoons, or other animals in your pool, call animal control right away. Once they are out, you can start scrubbing the sides of your pool with the proper cleaner before you end up filling it up with water for your swimming fun.
When performing spring DIY home projects like these, it is always a good idea to talk to a professional team if you are worried about making any mistakes. An excellent high-quality professional pool cleaning and maintenance crew will take the time to assess your concerns, provide high-quality assistance, and do whatever is necessary to ensure that you are satisfied with the result.
Clean the New Boat and Get it Out On the Water
Boat owners know that their spring DIY home projects often center around getting this craft ready for its first big adventure. Boats provide you with hours of fun during the summer, whether your family likes to swim from the boat, fish, tubing, or just cruising the waves with no real purpose.
So make sure that you spend the time to clean out your boat, check it for severe damage, watch for leaks, and repair any problems with its structure. Then get it out on the water and see how it runs. You and your family can perform all of these steps together, with your kids helping out in small ways.
If you don’t have a boat but want to get out on the water anyway, you can check out dealers for a used boat that may make more sense for your finances. A ship of this type is often just as good as a new one and allows you to have fun without costing you an excessive amount of money in the process.
Undergo Simple DIY Remodeling Projects In Your Home
Remodeling your home doesn’t have to cost a lot of money if you take care of these projects with your family. Adding new upholstery to your furniture will add years to its life and teach your children new skills. You can also perform many other steps that help to make your home more attractive.
For instance, you can do many DIY bathroom remodeling projects with your children. Add new flooring tiles to enhance your room’s style or let your children create cool countertop decorations using various paint types to make your bathroom stand out even more among your neighbors.
Whatever spring DIY home projects you undertake, always make sure to talk with your children about the changes you are making. Remodeling and renovation steps require a bit more work and change a child’s environment in ways that they may be uncomfortable with if they aren’t explained.
Get Crafty!
Children love hands-on projects and learning how to do new and fun things with their families. For example, there are many types of crafts that you can make together that are fun and take advantage of some of the items you’d otherwise throw away. For example, paper mache projects allow you to reuse newspapers and other things you’d otherwise have thrown away as useless.
Of all the spring DIY home projects on this list, crafts are probably the most fun. They allow you to spend time together, create new and exciting decorative items, and make a home more colorful and enjoyable. Don’t hesitate to brainstorm a few different ideas that your children may like and let them bring home any simple concepts that they may have learned from school.
For example, you can utilize various craft sticks to create buildings or other items that you can use to decorate a home. Or you can teach your children how to sew, knit, or make yarn dolls. These steps will make it simple for your family to have a lot of fun together while also flexing your creativity and producing crafts that everyone will enjoy seeing throughout your house.
Add Plants and Other Spring Decor to Your Home
Greenery often helps to add a little touch of color to a home and make it more enjoyable. For example, you can add various plants to your home and its exterior to make it more comfortable. The types of plants that you add and use to decorate should vary according to your overall tastes, how much work your children want to do, and the overall effect you hope to produce.
For instance, indoor plants usually require very little maintenance beyond watering and keeping them in the sun. Let your child name their plant for added fun and give them the chore of watering it regularly. Teaching them these skills will help out later if they buy any other plants. Just as importantly, you can plant outdoor growths that add a little touch of color and style to your home.
You may also want to take steps like adding custom kitchen countertops to your home. Many people may be able to handle this type of process without contacting a professional. Ensure that you feel fully confident in this process to ensure that you don’t make any mistakes. Don’t hesitate to contact an expert if needed. Your spring DIY home projects shouldn’t end up costing you money due to your mistakes.
General Home Maintenance
Spring is the perfect time to do some general home maintenance to keep your house looking great. This maintenance will vary according to a myriad of different needs. Take the time to inspect your house with your children and identify things that need to be fixed. Let them come up with a few ideas and perform steps that you can do together to create the kind of unified maintenance your home needs.
For example, you can do some maintenance on water heaters by changing the filter and performing other steps. Make sure to check the pilot light for any potential damage that may end up impacting how it operates. Just as importantly, you need to make sure to contact professionals if you end up struggling to perform these basic steps or feel uncomfortable doing more extensive repairs.
The same goes for your roofing projects. You can quickly get on your roof and add a few shingles (and have your children help by removing shingles while wearing safety gear). Still, you may run into more severe problems that residential roofers can more easily handle than you. For example, various types of leaks and more severe damage may require the use of a professional.
By now, you should have an idea of what spring DIY home projects are suitable for your family and which are not. By taking the time to thoroughly understand your options, you should make it easier to get the results you deserve. So, make sure that you take the time to pick projects that you know you’ll enjoy.