If you are in the process of moving, a moving checklist can be a valuable tool to help during this chaotic time. Write a timeline and a moving checklist for yourself and the process of moving will go much smoother. Start your move and checklist for moving by sorting and purging your possessions. Evaluate what you own, and decide if it is worth the time and expense to move it to your next destination.
The next step on your moving checklist should be researching and contacting moving companies. Call referral numbers and get any movers quotes in writing. During this time it may be helpful to create a binder that will travel with you and not be packed. Important documents relating to the move, as well as records should be kept on hand during the move. It is possible that your belongings will spend time in storage, keeping a binder with important paperwork in it with you will help alleviate many problems.
The next item on a moving check lists should be ordering moving supplies. Order boxes, tape, markers and other packaging materials to keep your belongings safe in transit. If possible, measure the doorways of your new home or apartment to make sure your furniture will be able to fit through the door. Then being packing your items. Pack the least used items first and hold off until last minute packing items used everyday.
A moving checklist and marking packaging will help the move in on the other end go smoothly. Clean rooms as you pack out of them. If you are moving out of a rental property, take note of move out notifications and if you are required to paint or repair the property for return of your security deposit.
Several days before your moving day, call your moving company to confirm details. On your moving day, cap off your move out moving checklist and sign the bill of loading and arrange payment with the movers. Be sure to keep with you the binder of important information including your moving checklist as well as a suitcase of essentials you will need while your goods are in transit.