Chip seal services can quickly repair asphalt roads and driveways. Asphalt roads should be maintained to ensure that they are long-lasting, safe, and can provide the right support for everyone on the road. This video shows the process of chip sealing services and explains why it is necessary.
One of the most important takeaways of this video is that chip sealing is about one-tenth the cost of laying a new asphalt surface. It provides tremendous cost savings to the taxpayer and property owner. This roadway maintenance activity is a multi-layered process.
This video shows the viewer exactly how the process plays out from planning to material selection to the actual application. This informative video is interesting to watch. Most people do not realize the amount of work that goes into maintaining municipal roads and the importance it plays in day-to-day life and ensuring tax dollars are being used the right way.
Whether you recently received a notice that chip sealing will happen in your neighborhood soon or you are just interested in learning more about the process this video will provide you with all the information you need. Watch the video to learn all about chip sealing.