The average person will have to move at least a few times within their life. Some people move hundreds of times. Some may only move once or twice but it’s very uncommon to stay at one residence for your entire life these days. Life has a lot of curveballs we have to adjust to and sometimes the curveball is having to move somewhere new. Maybe you got a new job and have to move somewhere far away to work there. This could be an exciting opportunity to re-establish your career and social status. Or maybe you’re having trouble affording where you are now and need to downsize or try a less expensive city. Maybe you broke up with your significant other and are looking for a single room apartment. Either way, the task of moving is no small one.
Reasons To Move
You may find yourself walking past an apartment building you used to live in and have a rush of memories flood over you. Remembering the person you once were when you lived there can be nice but for some, it is more troubling. It can be nice to be nostalgic and see how far you’ve come. But if you were going through a particularly hard time in your life while living in a certain apartment, neighborhood, or city sometimes the whole area is tainted with bad memories. And though the trust, in a certain neighborhood, can be rebuilt with new memories you may not have the time or desire to do so. Sometimes you really just want to leave a certain time in your life behind you. Perhaps the only way to achieve catharsis about this time in your life is to try moving somewhere completely new.
Maybe you have a very different reason for moving that’s not so dour. Perhaps you got a new job and after considering all the options, taking a new job is what you decide is best for you. This can be very exciting but will also create a new long list of problems and tasks to complete. There’s more to consider than just what is right for you. Many people have spouses and or children to consider or other extended families. If you have children enrolled in a certain school, they might not be too happy to hear they’re moving away from all their friends. Perhaps you live in the same city as an unwell parent you help take care of- you would not be able to leave without finding someone to take care of them.
There’s also the consideration of distance. Will you have any friends or family in the new city you’re moving to? Anyone who can help you once you get there? What will the cost of this kind of move be like and are there any cheap movers I can rely on or should I make sure to find the top long distance movers regardless of the price? There’s a lot to consider when you’re making this kind of big change. Both on the personal emotional end as well as on the technical and financial end. Any change in where your living is a big adjustment and can wind up taking the better part of a year to get going. It can become a juggling act of responsibilities quickly. So how do you get started with a clear head?
Deciding On a New Place
Whether you’re starting a new job or just need a change of scenery, the first step you need to remember is solidifying your plans. You should plan ahead where you’re moving before you start packing up things in your current place. If you have a new job it’s very possible that they would be willing to help with your relocation. Perhaps they even have housing already set up for you. But not every company will be willing to do this and you may end up having to find a new place on your own.
If you’re on your own it’s a lot easier to forget little things like HVAC maintenance or to check if there’s a swimming pool cleaning service nearby. Non-immediate problems may just slip your mind at first. If looking for a new apartment and dealing with signing leases and gathering pay stubs, remembering to ask about the appliance repairs policies might not be on the top of your list of concerns. This is why keeping yourself organized is so important so that less immediate problems don’t get forgotten about when making these big changes. Making thorough lists with both current and future errands is smart.
When looking for a new place keeping your budget in mind is important. Perhaps with the new job you’re taking there is a raise and you will be able to afford a bigger place. Or maybe taxes are such that the new place you’ve moved to will afford you a bigger property. These are important things to discuss with a real estate agent. They can help you have a better understanding of your new budget and can also help with setting up good returns on investments. Different professionals know how important certain home renovations are for future sellability. This will be important to keep in mind once you’ve settled on the new place you’re planning to move to.
Leaving The Old Place
Before you go there you have to tie up all the loose ends of where you currently live. Selling your house or readying your apartment are potentially very big undertakings. Firstly, the packing will take awhile. Many people relish the opportunity of moving to also clean their house and take stock of all of their stuff. Perhaps take a little inspiration from Marie Kando and try to live a less materialistic life. Minimalism is very in, very now after all. If you’re moving to a small apartment or hours then downsizing is a necessity as you want to make sure you have enough room at your new place for all your old stuff. Putting some things in storage might be a good option or perhaps your parents don’t mind keeping a few boxes filled with old memories in their closet. However, downsizing a wardrobe can be done easily by donating to Goodwill or another second-hand establishment. If downsizing is proving to be difficult it may help to remember that the more things you need to move, the more expensive your top long distance movers will be. Beyond packing up your stuff there is the foundation of your place to address.
No matter how well taken care of your place is, there are repairs and renovations that usually need to be addressed. Some of them may be optional, for example, your real estate agent may recommend fixing up a bathroom for a good return on investment. When people are buying houses, bathrooms are one of the first places they pay attention to. Many designers and real estate agents also point to the kitchen as an important central point to the space that buyers always pay attention to. If your bathrooms and kitchen are particularly out of date, this will probably hurt the sellability of your place. These are of course, optional. However, something like calling your plumbing repair service for a leak is non-optional.
Calling a roof inspection is usually a necessity when selling a house, as well as has a good return on investment potential. Making sure your roof is strong, sturdy and well cleaned and taken care of is very important to a new buyer. But there are other options that aren’t quite as expensive that will go a long way. A new paint job will help to brighten up any room that could use a makeover. Most interior designers suggest whitewashing walls if you’re trying to sell. Stark white gives a very clean effect to a viewer, it makes the space look bigger and more open than it is, and it allows people viewing your house to imagine their own furniture and nick-nacks within the space. Also making sure your house is mostly empty by the time people come and see it help with making the space look bigger too.
Many people will have already moved to their new place of residence before even having their old place sold.A quick fix on some beat-up wood fencing around your house will go a long way too. Maybe slap a coat of paint on it too. There are a lot of ways to make your place more sellable without major renovations.
Top Long Distance Movers
Along with selling your old home, you’re starting a new one. This can be a lot to deal with all at once and its part of the challenge of planning a big move. One of the most important things to remember is to call top long distance movers in your area and get a quote. There are many affordable moving companies to choose from. But specifying for top long distance movers will be important since you will be taking your life and things a great distance.
A good way to ensure that you’re getting the top long distance movers is to read customer reviews. If a review is on the top long distance movers’ website then it may be only showing their most positive reviews. However, sites like Angie’s list are an aggregate source from people who owe nothing to the company. If their reviews of these top long distance movers is overall very positive on one of these sites you can be sure you won’t be disappointed. After all you want a professional company that can provide insurance for your items, and assure its safe arrival. Not some random guy with a semi truck. Remember to set aside some money for this, as top long distance movers aren’t always cheap.
Planning a big move is a lot of stress. You’re dealing with learning a whole new job, dealing with the minutiae of moving into a new place and the amenities involved, on top of your regular stresses and responsibilities all without your regular support systems. You may also have to be getting used to a whole new state or city to live in. That’s why it’s so important to plan your move long ahead of actually moving. This will help so much in the long run and does so much to help you start off in your new place on the right foot. You don’t want your first memories and impression of your new place to only be stress and expense. Planning ahead will assure that your old place gets sold quickly, you find a perfect place in your new home, as well as getting the top long distance movers available.