Many states are already beginning to experience the cold of the winter. Temperatures are expected to drop even more over the next couple of months. Some people will migrate south for warmer weather. Others will begin preparing their homes for the coming cold weather. There are a variety of things that a homeowner can do to prepare for the cold weather. These preparations will help the home hold heat and help the residents of the home remain warm.
Repair any cracks in the windows or doors. Windows and doors should be the primary method of blocking out the cold wind and weather. However, if the window is cracked or the door does not fit properly, cold weather can make it inside the home. Homes with problematic windows or doors will feel consistent drafts. Fixing these parts of the home can decrease home energy costs and can make the home more comfortable.
Increase the insulation in the home. The walls and roof of the home are made up of insulation. The insulation stops cold weather from transferring into the house. The more insulated a home is, the warmer it will feel. Homes that lack in insulation tend to get colder and draftier. Insulation is a relatively simple and cost effective process and is a great way to increase the overall warmth of a home.
Create a stockpile of firewood. Natural fireplaces are another cost efficient way to warm the home. They run entirely off of firewood that comes from outdoors. If your house is equipped with a natural fireplace, consider stocking up on firewood all year long. You will be prepared for a long, cold winter, and you will save money by not having to pay retail prices for firewood. Also, placing your firewood storage in an easy to reach place will make the heating process easier.
Consider alternative heating sources. Most homes are heated with a traditional furnace. This can get expensive, especially in a lengthy, cold winter. It can also be less effective than other heating methods. For example, many homeowners are learning about the benefits for residential propane customers. Propane is a great cost efficient fuel that can alternatively heat the home. More than 660,000 farmers use propane for irrigation pumps, grain dryers, standby generators and other farm equipment. It is an essential fuel for crop drying, flame cultivation, fruit ripening, space and water heater and food refrigeration.
Propane as a heat source is more than a cost efficient fuel. It is also safer than traditional furnace heating. Propane exists as a liquid and a gas. At atmospheric pressure and temperatures above 44F, it is a non toxic, colorless and odorless gas. Just as with natural gas, an identifying odor is added so it can be readily detected. Propane services used as propane fuel can be a much safer alternative to traditional heat sources.
Consider safety. Many homeowners do not consider safety when heating their home. If you choose to use a natural fireplace, ensure that the fire is entirely out before leaving the room. If you choose to use a furnace, ensure that it is regularly maintained and inspected. If you choose the cost efficient fuel of a commercial propane service, be sure to pay attention to smells and liquids.
When contained in an approved cylinder or tank, propane exists as a liquid and vapor. The vapor released from the container as a clean burning fuel gas. Propane is 270 times more compact as a liquid than as a gas, making it economical to store and transport as a liquid. Heating your home with propane as a cost efficient fuel can be safer to store and safer to use in your home.
Whether we are prepared or not, winter is on its way. Homeowners are already preparing their homes for the cold weather. With the appropriate preparation, including added insulation, fixing cracked windows and doors, and finding alternative heat sources, your home can be comfortable and cozy, even when it is freezing cold outdoors.