Whether a person lives in their own home, an apartment, or a college dorm, one thing is for sure: they have some furniture. No living space is complete without it, and modern furniture comes in an impressive variety of types, materials, and prices for just about any buyer. For example, furniture for small spaces may include comfort sleepers or storage beds, or petite desks and fold-up chairs. Bedroom furniture is popular too, such as armoires, large dresser units, and of course, beds that range from child sized to king sized. Local furniture stores are a great place to find bedroom furniture and living room furnishings, and online catalogs can help buyers find unique or obscure custom furniture to match their tastes. When someone sets out to buy new bedroom furniture or a dining room table set, what should they bear ind mind?
Going Furniture Shopping
Buying new furniture can be rewarding and fun, since furniture is very important for a person’s living space, and it can help define the aesthetics and purpose of a room. Still, this should be done carefully, since furniture is a major investment. In fact, furniture ranks third among all major expenses for adult Americans, behind housing and automobiles. Most surveyed spenders agree that furniture should be very durable and high quality, regardless of the price; after all, it’s an expensive hassle to keep replacing shoddy, cheap furniture that just falls apart. Good furniture, especially bedroom furniture, should last at least five to 10 years, and some beds or couches may be expected to last 15 years or so. In particular, Amish made wooden items are known for incredible durability and high quality standards, and Amish goods have had a place in the American market since he 1920s. Amish builders often accept custom orders for tables and chairs, desks, garden sheds, and even chicken coops.
As for where to buy all this, online catalogs are best if the buyer knows exactly what they want but can’t find it in local stores. A good catalog should also feature large and clear images of all items in stock. Otherwise, it’s a good idea to visit local furniture retailers and consult the staff there, to ask questions and narrow down the field of options. After all, many shoppers being their trip without a clear idea of how to spend their money, so they need reference. As a bonus, shoppers can sit on or lay on a store’s furniture samples to test them for durability and comfort.
Furnishing the Home
As mentioned earlier, furniture serves two distinct purposes: to define a room’s purpose, and to make the living space look nice. Aesthetics certainly count, and a homeowner can update their furniture every so often to reflect their ever-evolving lifestyle and tastes. Changing furniture is also a good way to refresh the home without hiring remodeling contractors, and home guests are bound to like the home’s new looks. A home can have an entire theme in place, such as art deco or Victorian revival, when its furniture and similar items (rugs, lamps, window dressings) are updated.
Getting new furniture is also a good idea if a room’s purpose needs to be changed, such as if the household’s size is altered. If an elderly parent moves in for daily care, their own furniture can be moved in, or the homeowner can buy new furniture for them. And when a grown child moves out, their empty old room can be remade into a guest bedroom with an aesthetically neutral bed, dresser, desk, and chair. Or, their old room can be remade into a home office, with a desk and chair for computer work, not to mention a bookshelf and a filing cabinet. Another option is to make an art studio with the right tables and desks, stools, cube organization units, and shelf or drawer units.
Some furniture is designed for small spaces, including bedroom furniture. A wooden storage bed has drawers on its body for storing clothes, to save the room that a standalone dresser would take up. And if there’s no space for a guest bedroom, a sleeper sofa is the right choice. It can unfold into a bed, then fold up during the day, a great idea for college dorms, for example.