You were so busy being grateful that you had all three of your cars in the garage that you did not immediately think about the house.
Your 16 year old daughter was babysitting just two miles from your house when the storm started to form. And while your husband was certain that the worst of the weather was going to the north, you feared that he was wrong. The fact that your daughter had her new car with her at the babysitting job made you nervous. As you continued to check the weather on all three of the local weather channels, you received a text from your daughter that she was on her way home. You breathed a heavy sigh of relief as you stood just inside the hallway, with both the door to the house and the door to the garage open. Within five minutes, your daughter was home and her car was safe.
Fewer than ten minutes later the rain started. Within minutes it turned to a driving mix of both rain and hail. Although the hail stones at your house never got much bigger than a golf ball, the reports from other places in town indicated that some of the hail was baseball size. You and your daughter stood on the covered front porch and watched. The comet like streaks that were shooting toward the ground were too many to even count and the hail stones pounded away.
And just like that is was over.
Fortunately, the hail only lasted five minutes, but that would have been plenty of time to total your daughter’s car if it had been sitting outside. With a sense of relief you headed upstairs and went to bed.
Not a Good Thing To Wake Up To
You had likely only been asleep a few hours when you heard your husband wandering around. Some noise caught his attention and he had walked out to the back deck. By the time you followed his noises and found him you, too, realized the problem. You had been so relieved that the cars were okay that you did not think about the windows on the back of the house. Even with his flashlight barely shining on the windows, though, you could tell that something was wrong.
It was not until morning and the sun came up that you could really see the extent of the damage, but once the insurance adjuster came out he confirmed that you needed to contact a residential window replacement company. By his estimation all of the windows on the back of the house would need to be replaced. Fortunately, no hail had broken clear through, but the window frames were dented and a of the larger panes of glass had suffered the smallest of damage.
The adjuster suggested you get ahold of a home window installation company and get on their list immediately. This storm had caused significant damage to many homes in the area and the adjuster guessed that the best residential window replacement companies would be booked first.
Making the Most of a Bad Situation
Residential window installation companies offer a variety of new products that can save a home owner significant amounts of money. Did you know, for instance, that home owners who replace their windows can get back as much as 80% of their investment in added value to their home? This statistic from the National Association of Realtors is based on the value that future buyers put on new energy efficient and low maintenance windows. Simply put, home buyers find significant value in high quality residential window replacement. So even if a storm does damage to your home, you might be able to come out ahead if you make sure that you install the highest quality residential window replacements.
Home windows that are easy to maintain also add value to a property. When high quality windows are properly maintained, they can last 20 years or longer, depending on the material. They can also save on future energy bills. For instance, dual-paned windows are nearly two times as effective at retaining heat and air conditioning when they are compared to single-paned ones. Have you checked your home after the latest storm?