There are many reasons to own a pool here in the United States, and article will detail some of the most compelling of them. Of course, it will be important for you to conduct a good deal of your own research as well, as a number of factors, such as space and finances, will impact your ability to own a pool or your experience with pool ownership. However, once you have made all of the necessary considerations, there are many benefits to pool ownership for just about every family – but particularly those who have children – here in the United States.
1. It’s a great way to stay active.
Getting up and moving is something that is hugely important for people of all ages, not just for one group like children or adults. Regular physical exercise not only helps us to keep our bodies in good shape, but can also be hugely beneficial for our mental states as well. Unfortunately, many people find it quite difficult to get the amount of exercise that they need, with less than half of all adults currently meeting the recommended amount of exercise on a weekly basis.
Custom pool design with an in ground or above ground swimming pool can be a great way to stay in shape. After all, swimming in any kind of pool, even a custom pool design, is really very good for you, as the resistance of the water is up to ten times that of air, making it the ideal cardiovascular exercise. In addition to this, even people who have mobility problems or chronic pain issues (or both, as the case often is) can enjoy swimming, as the water provides some relief on the joints and muscles.
Swimming is a great way for kids to get moving as well, as it is actually the most popular summer activity for kids of the age of seven or older, though many younger children also enjoy playing in the water with the right amount of supervision. For many children, swimming is a great way to beat the heat of a hot summer’s day, as well as the ideal way to spend time with friends and family – but it has the added bonus of improving overall health and physical condition as well, something that certainly cannot be discounted.
2. It’s a long term investment
Though a swimming pool requires a good deal of upkeep, even a custom pool design is likely to last for a good deal of time before needing work done on it – past the regular cleanings, of course. For instance, the typical in ground pool, custom pool design or not, typically needs its pool liners changed after a minimum of five years, a full half of a decade. Some pools can even go as many as twelve years before needing new liners, depending on how often the pool is used and a number of other factors. An above ground pool is very similar, typically needing a new liner after anywhere from six to ten years, though, again, this can very quite considerably from pool to pool.
Eventually, pool plaster will need to be replaced as well, as it can become cracked and discolored with time and use. However, pool plaster in pools with a custom pool design and pools without it is usually likely to last a great deal of time. Typically, pool plaster does not need to be replaced until after at least ten full years of use. In some cases, a pool can even go as many as 15 years before it needs new pool plaster.
3. The opportunity for custom pool design
When you have your own pool, you can really make it just about anything you want to be. Nowadays, many swimming pool builders often the option for custom pool design, allowing you to fit the shape and features of your pool, as well as the size of it, to your needs. For many people, this custom pool design allows them to feel like they are truly living in the lap of luxury, so to speak.