There are a lot of negotiations made when it comes to buying a house. While the price is the most commonly negotiated item, other negotiations might include who pays for the appraisal, if the seller will provide any cost concessions, and what will be included in the sale of the home. Appliances are often overlooked, but should be carefully considered when making an offer.
Kitchen appliances
The home?s kitchen appliances, the oven, dishwasher, and fridge should be considered when putting in an offer. If you purchase a home at your maximum spend and the appliances do not come with it, you could be left without necessary kitchen appliances. It is smart to negotiate the ownership of all kitchen appliances in a sale. Depending on the age of the appliances, the owners may throw them into the list price. You will also want to decide who is responsible for repairs. In most cases, the homeowner is responsible for oven repairs, dishwasher repairs, and any other kitchen appliance repairs, unless a home warranty is offered with the sale. Sometimes, they can also be negotiated into the sale price.
Washing appliances
Your washing appliances may include the dishwasher, but are usually the washer and dryer. These appliances, although important, are less commonly included in the initial offer price. You will have to pay attention to the specifics of the listing to know if it is included. You can also increase your offer price to gain ownership of these washing appliances. When deciding on the amount to increase your offer, you will want to consider the age of the appliances and how soon they will need to be repaired or replaced. For example, your washing machine should last 10 years before you have to think about replacing it.
Additional home appliances
Newer and updated homes may come with even more appliances. These might include electronics, wall mounted TVs, or garbage disposals. These are appliances that are not as mandatory, but would go nice with the house. In many cases, these appliances are fit specifically for the home. For example, a kitchen cabinet nook may be used for a custom microwave. These types of appliances are often easier to negotiate into the price, because they are permanently attached to the wall and the seller will find it difficult to fit it into their new home.
Home warranties
Appliances can and do break. Some appliances like ovens and stoves can be costly to repair. Others, like dishwashers and garbage disposals can sometimes be cheaper to repair. However, these appliances should last for years. For example, your gas range oven should last 15 years before you have to think about replacing it. If you have to completely repair an appliance that can get very costly. To prevent buying a home and immediately having to dish out large amounts of money to make repairs, request a home warranty on all appliances. This is a warranty that is paid by the seller as an incentive to sell quicker and for a higher price. In 2014, the average cost to repair an appliance was $254 to $275. Many buyers are willing to cover the home warranty costs to initiate a home sale.
There is a lot involved in the sale of a single home. Both the buyer and the seller have to come to an agreement on the price and the specifics included in the sale. Sometimes, there are discrepancies surrounding the appliances. Buyers should consider their price based on which appliances are included and the age of these appliances. Additionally, they should request a home warranty on included appliances if it is expected that they will break down within a couple of years.