Homeowners whose houses contain HVAC systems need to schedule an annual maintenance visit and system inspection. This video explains the system checks and inspection points that your HVAC service provider should include in their maintenance visit. Knowing what to expect from such a visit helps you prepare for it and get the most out of it.

An annual inspection helps identify problems before they grow complex and require major HVAC repair. This type of maintenance visits spots when a system needs coolant and adds it.

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It also identifies when leads and connections fray. Finding developing wear and tear problems lets you fix the system affordably because it may only require a replacement part or lubrication.

Knowing what to expect the HVAC service person to check lets you prepare a list of questions or concerns before the visit. For example, if you notice a start-up noise, note this and mention it before the service personnel begin their maintenance checks. Also, make a list of questions regarding the system, such as asking about available upgrades and when you might need to replace the HVAC system.

Ask what you could do to enhance energy efficiency. Your HVAC service provider might suggest installing a smart thermostat or adding insulation in your attic or crawlspace. Get the most out of your HVAC repair or annual HVAC maintenance visit by fully preparing for it.

Ask what you could do to enhance energy efficiency

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